Thursday, 27 March 2008

Thursday 27th March

Hello again,

We took in a new bun yesterday, whi is the absolute double of Biscuit who is in my run. The new boy is very sweet and will need to have his photo taken so he can go on the website ( We're calling him "Sunny" as he is an absolute delight!!!

This is a photo of Biscuit, he is so handsome.

Talk soon, Pipkin

Monday, 24 March 2008

Easter Monday

Well the weather is not very spring-like! We've had flurries of snow all weekend so I'm very glad that we have a roof and walls on our run - it means when the sun does appear we can do a spot of sunbathing! Hazel has been very busy today, making a huge bed of hay - Biscuit and I just let her get on with it, and then snuggle down in it when she is finished!!
Talk soon,

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Sunday 23rd March 2008

I'm Pipkin, the head rabbit at Pipkin Rabbit Rescue, and I thought I'd tell you about the bunny goings on at our rescue. You can see more information and some photos of us at
Yesterday we introduced Hartley and Jasper to each other, after a few days of them being in adjacent runs. It went very well and they are now the best of buddies. Jasper looks a lot happier as he looked quite depressed when he was by himself. Of course, they will now be rehomed together.
Clyde was neutered last week and goes for his post-op check up on Tuesday. He is back to his usual bouncy self already!