Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Totally unbelievable...........

Well, yesterday was a bit hectic. We took two buns in - one was a stray found in a local cemetery and is a very sweet little rabbit. The other was just stopped from being chucked off the Wearmouth Bridge in a cat box, by a lady passing by, thank goodness she did. He is a lovely blue/grey dwarf lop. I can't believe someone was going to throw the poor bun into the river :0((( What on earth is wrong with people??? Surely the idiot could have just left the bun in the cat box somewhere like a shop or library where he would have been found quickly.........

Sunday, 8 November 2009

An even longer overdue update!

It seems to be stray season at the moment. It is so cruel to abandon an animal at any time, but during firework season it seems even worse to me. This last week we have taken in three strays. We also have a rabbit and piggie holidaying with us at the moment.
We had a very sad time yesterday, when Amy died. She came to us as a very (fear induced, I think) aggressive rabbit with the worst teeth the vet had ever seen, and turned into the sweetest little bun who followed me round the garden, loved to come into the house and if I was busy in the kitchen liked nothing better than to have a good look in the fridge. She died yesterday afternoon. I still feel totally shocked as she had shown no signs whatsoever of being off colour at all. We know she was at least 5 and a half years old, but beyond that don't know how old she was. I found her in her hutch yesterday afternoon and just couldn't believe it. Amy is very much missed by us and the many friends she made with people in "her" garden.