Thursday, 31 July 2008

A bunny update

Well we now have 26 rabbits and 4 guinea pigs in the rescue. It saddens me so much that these beautiful creatures are "unwanted" by their original families and are either callously dumped (including a full litter of 7 week old baby rabbits) or signed over to a rescue. If you are reading this I know I'm preaching to the converted, but it is definitely overdue that petshops stop selling animals. So many are bought on a whim and after a few months or even weeks they become a chore and are then disposed of one way or another. At least most rescues don't allow people to just turn up and adopt a pet and take it home the first day they make contact with the rescue. This at least stops the "impulse purchase" aspect.
Photos - Archie & Ernie on the left, Mary & Midge on the right

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

A long overdue update!!

It is a long time since I have updated here! Things are very busy, we have got 24 buns and 4 guinea pigs in at the moment. On Sunday 3rd August we are having a fundraising day at Pets at Home, Sunderland and would love to see you there. We also have some lovely key rings, pads, bookmarks, badges and car stickers on our website now, to sell to help support the rabbits. You can see them at and we will mail overseas :0)

This is a photo of Mungo, who is a lovely, sweet natured boy. He is currently doing a wonderful job of caring for two of his babies.