Thursday, 31 July 2008

A bunny update

Well we now have 26 rabbits and 4 guinea pigs in the rescue. It saddens me so much that these beautiful creatures are "unwanted" by their original families and are either callously dumped (including a full litter of 7 week old baby rabbits) or signed over to a rescue. If you are reading this I know I'm preaching to the converted, but it is definitely overdue that petshops stop selling animals. So many are bought on a whim and after a few months or even weeks they become a chore and are then disposed of one way or another. At least most rescues don't allow people to just turn up and adopt a pet and take it home the first day they make contact with the rescue. This at least stops the "impulse purchase" aspect.
Photos - Archie & Ernie on the left, Mary & Midge on the right

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